Is Marijuana Legal in Arkansas 2025

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Is Marijuana Legal in Arkansas 2025?

Yes, marijuana is legal in Arkansas for medical purposes as of 2016, following the approval of the Arkansas Medical Marijuana Amendment. Recreational use remains illegal statewide. Patients must obtain a medical marijuana card through to legally purchase and use medical cannabis.

Arkansas Marijuana Possession Laws

In Arkansas, registered medical marijuana patients are legally allowed to possess up to 2.5 ounces of medical cannabis every 14 days. Possession of marijuana beyond this amount or without a valid medical marijuana card can result in significant legal consequences, including fines and imprisonment.

Arkansas Marijuana Cultivation Laws

Cultivation of marijuana for personal use remains illegal in Arkansas, even for medical marijuana patients. All medical cannabis must be purchased from a state-licensed dispensary. Unauthorized cultivation can lead to felony charges, with penalties depending on the amount cultivated.

Arkansas Marijuana Penalties

Penalties for marijuana-related offenses in Arkansas vary based on the quantity and intent. Possession over the legal limit for patients or by non-patients can lead to misdemeanors or felonies. Distribution and cultivation offenses carry harsher penalties, potentially including years of imprisonment and thousands in fines.

Who can prescribe medical marijuana in Arkansas?

Only licensed physicians in Arkansas can prescribe medical marijuana. Patients must be diagnosed with a qualifying medical condition as defined by the state to be eligible for a medical marijuana card. The prescription process is regulated to ensure compliance with state laws.

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